If one was"falsely arrested, Kidnapped, falsely booked into jail, photo picture taken, fingerprints taken and falsely imprisoned and confined in a Sheriff jail detention facility beforehand without being brought before a Magistrate Judge first is also totally unlawful and illegal and a Tennessee Constitutional Due Process Rights violation pursuant to T.C.A. Title 40 - 6 - 203(a).

Which David Tulis, had a State and U.S. Constitutional Right to have is "Due Process Rights" to an examination hearing, before an Magistrate judge, at the Hamilton County, Tn jail to confront and cross-examine his accuser, which was Deputy Bennett.

This very important "Due Process Rights" procedure is routinely violated and ignored by the Hamilton County, Tn Magistrate's Judges unlawful "Customs and Usages and illegal Policies and Practices of the government agencies system of oppression and control of the people of the Tennessee Republic..

The "Magistrate has a duty of Oath of Office to conduct an "Examination of an Affiant and an accussed has a right to be heard and cross-examine his accuser in front of the Magistrate before any booking, picture taking, fingerprinting, and plastering one good name and booking photo on chattanooga.com and other internet entities before one hasn't even been heard or brought before a court and one hasn't been convicted of any crime.

Like David Tulis case was dismissed 2 months after Deputy Bennett falsely arrested, Kidnapped, imprisoned David.

David good name, good character and pristine clean criminal record has been damage of the false arrest plastered all over the internet and national criminal data base records.

He now has a "Personal Injury" claim against the WRONGDOER'S insurance BOND because he had his case dismissed and he can show injury as i explain in great detail in this post.

One just needs to go to "RISK MANAGEMENT" of that county agency and file a claim against each of the WRONGDOER'S bonds, which according to David Tulis he says Deputy Bennett and Sheriff Garrett.

Deputy Bennett Bond is $75,000 and Sheriff Garrett Bond is $250,000 risk management and the insurance bond carrier, would have to pay their total amount of bond coverage.

One is surely guarantee "monetary damages" payment in full going this route in suing the WRONGDOER'S bonds, instead of going through the corruption of some not all of the courts in protecting the city and counties in dismissing you legitimate lawsuit.

Be Well!

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I FILED NOTICE OF DEFAULT in US Dist Ct-Eastern Iowa after defendants (State of Iowa, Inc., et al) failed to give answer to properly processed & served Summons & Complaint, etc.

Dismissed!!!!! These Federal “Courts” are running protection for their BAR Associates in the STATE.

How else can a PEDESTRIAN be CONVICTED of Any TRAFFIC “offense”? : www.youtube.com/user/kornkobiowa The STATE OFFICERS REMAIN DERELICT OF DUTY TO CORRECT or Comply with Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 32.3.8(h): DUTY TO SEEK REMEDY. The coverups continue and up to 8th Cir Ct Appls

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Screw the "magistrates" and their system of injustice. Force the Sheriff to assemble an INDEPENDENT JURY to hear the AND DECIDE the whole case, and if he refuses to do so then attack his bond for malfeasance. Anything else you do will be stopped by the same criminals you are trying to force to follow the law.

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How does one “force” the Sheriff to assemble an independent jury to decide the whole case ? Especially when they refuse to answer usps certified mailings ?

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You write a DEMAND for a Trail By Jury according to your state constitution, similar to a "legal complaint" but using Natural Law claims, deliver it to the sheriff both by cetified mail and in person with witnesses. Set a date and time for the Sheriff to respond by, and if he doesn't get his bond information and make the claim.

Save it all as "evidence" to provide for the bonding agent along with your claim. The bond is an insurance policy. And ALWAYS identify yourself as the Principal to make sure your agents stay in their place.

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