‘They can’t get there’
For totalitarians to arrive at their nirvana, they have to get through the "resistance" of common people and committed Christians; amid judgment, blessings can flow
“When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.” Proverbs 28:12
Often at church I sketch out the sermon. This Sunday I sketched out a picture of the effects of the Lord Jesus’ resurrection in light of national breakup amid a growth in tyranny from which even federal administrators of it (aka, “the states”) recoil.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio Network
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sunday, April 9, 2023 — Framed at the left are “the enemy.” In the center, the object of interest: Christendom and God’s people, and their areas of growth, sanctification and capitalization (and, necessarily, of resistance). On the right side of the frame, the desiderata of the enemy – that list of concepts and ideas that, to them, is victory.
The parties of the enemy are big tech, state-approved universities, woke publishers and propagandists, big government per se, commercial government, the bar, WEF — and so on. The NWO rising from underneath us, from our own pockets (smart phone), techno-centric, participatory public-private economy, ESG and green standards-keeping, stakeholder capitalism, monopolies and cartels, the reign of big pharma, total surveillance for profit, and a police state. These are as much the consequences of these actors as the acts themselves.
In the middle, yes, Christendom and its revival with a strong and growing interest in the law of God in the particulars. The fruits of this belief in God’s claims upon us would be Christian reconstruction and rebuilding, including pro-life, home education, private activity, local churches or home churches versus religious organizations and the like.
To get to their long-term goals, those I call “the good people” have to get through the resistance. God’s people are joined by others under common grace who are part of the “parallel economy” that came into view in 2020 with the states converting themselves into penal colonies at the behest of Washington and other interests.
Essential elements of liberty in a bloc
The elements of Christian revival that will curtail and block the enemies of God and man are private charity, private education, private membership associations, childbirth with large families, proximity of family, common law marriage, small business, private trades, charity work among children becoming businesses starting at the home, use of old or fixed or salvaged equipment or property (to avoid chips, bad manufacturing), small gardens, homesteads, apprenticeships, rejection of social security numbers for a new generation, being a nontaxpayer vs. a taxpayer, use of gold and silver in business, off-grid savings and capital, study of God’s law, “big godder” vs. “small godder” theological premises (the power of the Holy Spirit, favor of small over big, near over far, personal over corporate, local over national, simple over complex); a decentralized view of reality, suspicion of “progressive” solutions; involvement in town councils, utility districts and school boards; use of decentralized systems such as local radio, local press and podcasts; commitment to small arms, using, storing, wearing; food and water stores, the gleaning principle of charity, investing in small shops locally, divesting from national and fractional and paper economies; use of courts and remedies such as habeas corpus, mandamus and injunction, demand for trial (no plea bargaining); travel versus driving, aid for people with small claims in courts, defeating local government and commercial government, jury service to nullify prosecution and persecution against people who have committed no sin but whom are being fed to the police growth industry and crooked courts.
This diagram is great!
Perfect message for this special day!